"We help educators pay less tax!"  
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Welcome to Teachers' Tax


Contact Information:


    Teachers' Tax Service

    9375 East Shea Blvd Suite 100

    Scottsdale, AZ 85260

    Phone (480) 949-7730

    Fax (480) 657-6104

  • E-mail

We are just East of the 101 freeway. Additionally, our building is compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Standards



Online tax preparation software

This software is for anyone who wishes to prepare their taxes online. Also, a great way to get your childrens returns filed and have them receive their refunds quickly. This is a great alternative to purchasing tax software. The 1040EZ form is FREE for everything, Other forms have a nominal fee.. Pay nothing until you have finished the return, and are ready to print or E-file.

Helping Hands
This site is for non-profit organizations that would like to use our tax software as a way of generating income for their organization.

Go Greenbag
Help us help the environment and save yourself money at the same time.




Copyright © 2000 Teachers' Tax Service. All rights reserved.
Revised: 01/15/2019.